redefining high performance.

Rachael Bonetti, certified wellbeing practitioner, corporate trainer and consultant and former career EA.

“We can’t show up as our best selves at work or in life without prioritising our wellbeing.”

recalibrate: a wellbeing masterclass developed for the unique needs of executive assistants.

This is among the most important training an organisation can offer their assistant community. Its impact extends far beyond an EA team - it supports creating the ways of working, best practices and conditions that help prevent burnout, wasted time, energy and focus more broadly in your organisation.

The class has been created and is delivered by someone who ‘gets’ the challenges assistants face balancing wellbeing and delivery.

Rachael’s experience is unique. As a former senior career EA of nearly 30 years she learned the hard way about the importance of sustainable, healthy high performance. Her experience with burnout led to her becoming a certified wellbeing practitioner. She offers practical, accessible advice that’s easy to embed in organisations and adopt as personal self care practices. All content is backed by science and relevant specifically to the assistant profession.

thriving is just one masterclass away.

The Recalibrate Masterclass will support your team to reset their baseline. As individuals AND as a collective.

It has supported thousands of assistants all over the world since 2019.

We look at boundaries, priorities and mindset.

We dissect how stress arises at work, how to mitigate it and how to change our response to it.

We explore ways of working that reduce reactivity and create spaciousness from the top down.

We dive into how our nervous system works and is impacted by stress and pressure, and how to get back to a regulated state fast.

We discover practical and accessible ways to sustain healthy high performance and come back to balance using a tool kit of science-backed strategies that are easy to implement in busy lives.

Your team will leave feeling inspired to prioritise their own wellbeing to truly thrive in their careers and in life.

The impact of this creates a ripple effect across the organisation. We look at the disciplines and ways of working that pave the pathway to burnout, and how every employee has the ability to shape culture simply through how they show up.

If you want to leverage your assistant community to create the conditions that allow everyone to thrive, this class is a must for your full team.

why your team needs this class.

Executive Assistants by nature are heavily invested in supporting their executives, teams and organisations through BAU, crises, organisational change and external influences such as economic pressure and the pandemic.

It can be challenging to meet expectations while firefighting competing demands and priorities and ambiguity.

Very often, EAs absorb the pressure of the executives they support and are burdened with carrying confidential knowledge.

Being the keeper of secrets is a huge mental load for assistants to carry. The job can be lonely and isolating.

By virtue of the work, assistants can be in a perpetual state of being ‘on’ in an effort to do their best. They’re the social lubricant of organisations and often bear the brunt of the frustration and the stress of others and organisational inefficiencies.

Many EAs have been conditioned to put the needs of others before their own. Their profession requires them to do this and creates and imbalance that can take its toll on even the most seasoned professionals.

The unique expectations and challenges assistants face can often lead them to a state of unhealthy high performance and mindset challenges that create a dire outlook for their wellbeing.


Classes can be held in person or virtually. Most international time zones can be accommodated for virtual bookings.

The class is interactive and is tailored to your team’s needs right now.

We share (de-personalised) insights from your team’s current state so the biggest opportunities to create impact as a team can be addressed.

Action planning is part of the session to encourage momentum beyond the class.

As with all classes, we operate on Chatham House Rules and set up a safe space that supports honest discussion.

Hit Lets Chat to receive a masterclass brochure and pricing.